Case Study

Spearheaded an Industry-leading Safety Culture Evolution at a Major Energy Conglomerate.


A major utility recognized a need to evolve its safety culture to advance a more comprehensive understanding of safety, risk, and operational excellence. The executive team initiated a comprehensive program to transition the culture to a future state where a comprehensive and systemic approach to safety became an ingrained way of doing business.


With an integrated change management approach, Kissinger supported 5 workstreams to drive this culture change. Key activities included:

Strategic Playbook Development: Created an OCM strategic playbook encompassing communications, training, resistance management, sponsor engagement, end user engagement and reinforcement strategies. 

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Organized and supported a series of dialogue sessions, workshops, and roadshows to actively engage stakeholder, leaders, and frontline employees, fostering a commitment to safety.
  • Grassroots Change Network: Worked with key safety stakeholders and teams to plan and launch a safety change network to initiate and sustain change from the grassroots level, ensuring widespread involvement and ownership.
  • Resource Library Creation: Developed a robust resource library to equip leaders and managers with the tools necessary to effectively communicate and reinforce the safety program within their teams.
  • Feedback and Improvement: Continuously gathered feedback from all stakeholders to refine strategies and incorporate lessons learned, ensuring the program’s relevance and effectiveness.


A well-defined strategy for this initiative is accelerating the program’s impact. Outcomes include a more comprehensive view of safety across the business, an increased sense of psychological safety, an optimized safety operating model, improved risk assessment and increased maturity as a learning organization.



“Working with Kissinger on our change initiative was transformative. Their expertise in supporting our team through complex transitions and socialization resulted in successful implementation of new processes and ways of thinking about safety. We are deeply appreciative of the exceptional service and the lasting positive impact it will have on our organization.”

Chief Safety Officer, F500 Utility Company








cultural evolution

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