Case Study

Authored the Integration Change Management Playbook for a Critical Tech Firm Merger


When a technology company announced a merger with a competitor, the management team was faced with significant internal risks. Since the value of the acquisition was tied to acquired personnel and customers, executives were concerned about retaining and motivating staff, managing existing customer relationships and continuing to build new business.


Kissinger Group developed and facilitated a customized change leadership program to help executives manage the transition and mitigate key risks. Specific activities included:

  • Current state analysis to understand capabilities, attitudes and risks
  • Change readiness assessments
  • Communications framework
  • Custom change leadership workshop
  • Change leadership playbook with case studies and best practices
  • Ongoing support to the leadership team


Kissinger Group’s readiness assessments, retention strategies, and training and communication planning developed the client’s change leadership capabilities, which in turn helped steady the workforce during a time of uncertainty. As a result, the company was able to retain key talent and realize the value of the merger.






countries involved


change leadership
playbook delivered

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