Case Study


When an established financial services company conducted a strategic business assessment, they identified innovation as one of 4 competencies critical to their continued success. And while the company had roots in revolutionary thinking, the large size of the business and many layers of the organization had dampened its innovative spirit. So with a commitment to reignite innovation across the enterprise, they asked Kissinger Group to help them organize an approach to designing an innovative culture.


Kissinger Group supported this effort by collecting and organizing best practices of innovative companies, then helping the client assess ways to reorient company culture around innovation. Kissinger Group:

  • Interviewed renowned innovator companies like Google and Zappos to identify leading approaches
  • Delivered a set of relevant ideas and best practices to the executive team for consideration
  • Helped identify appropriate tools, structures and approaches that fit the culture and could be applied to the organization.


Armed with innovation practices from world leaders, the executive team explored ideas, had new conversations about culture and made critical decisions that enabled innovation across the organization.